Saturday, January 01, 2005

Livestrong - Sure you should, but Lance Armstrong is a jerk

So USA today did a piece on tjhe pop icons of the year. One of which included the Livestrong bands from Lance Armstrong. Several reasons to hatethese little rubber bracelets.
  1. Lance Armstrong is a jerk, he left hiswife when he obtained his new fame to chase Sheryl Crow.
  2. So you gave$1 to cancer. Less the manufacturing cost and distribution cost they got 65 cents maybe 90, whatever - why not just spring for a whopping $10 and send it direct, oops then you wouldn't be able to say "I gave a dollar, I gave a dollar...."
  3. Lance Armstrong is a self absorbed moron - oh I said that, well it warrants saying again.
  4. Hey look stupid - it looks likeyou had a rubberband (gumband if your from Pittsburgh) wrapped around youhand and forgot to take it off.
  5. Just to feed off Hayden's Harangues - it make you look like a lemming.

1 comment:

Scott Hayden said...

Well done Frank. I have begun to think that I was the only person who thought that the whole Livestong bracelet thing was bogus. It is definitely a "Look at me, I am better than you because I am wearing this here yellow bracelet" kind of thing.