Yet another silly online poll. I tried a couple today - Randy's language thing and this. Kind of silly, but the rationale makes a little bit of sense if you know me.
| You scored as Poison. Your death will be by poison, probably because you are a glutton and are around so many people that it would be easy to get away with it.
Posion | | 60% | Drowning | | 53% | Bomb | | 53% | Disease | | 53% | Cut Throat | | 53% | Suffocated | | 47% | Natural Causes | | 47% | Disappear | | 40% | Suicide | | 33% | Gunshot | | 27% | Accident | | 27% | Eaten | | 27% | Stabbed | | 13% |
How Will You Die?? created with |
God I am boring!
You scored as Natural Causes.
Your death will be by natural causes, though not by any diseaese, because that is another option on this test. You will probably just silently pass away in the night from old age, and people you love won't realize until the next morning, when you are all purple and cold and icky.
Natural Causes 60%
Disease 60%
Cut Throat 53%
Bomb 40%
Disappear 40%
Accident 40%
Suicide 33%
Posion 33%
Suffocated 33%
Gunshot 20%
Stabbed 13%
Eaten 13%
Drowning 0%
So, I will be blown up. Sounds good to me. I have had a decent life, seen some stuff, and had a few laughs. Bring on the C4.
Bomb 87%
Suicide 80%
Disease 47%
Posion 47%
Eaten 47%
Stabbed 40%
Natural Causes 40%
Drowning 33%
Disappear 27%
Suffocated 27%
Accident 27%
Cut Throat 20%
Gunshot 20%
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