Friday, March 18, 2005

Getting a New Jersey License

So today we (my wife and I) went to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission for new licenses and new plates for our cars. It was just what you might expect from the Peoeple's Republic of New Jersey. I rather bland building with rather interesting people working there.

The fun begins upon entry when you are greeted and asked: "What services do you need?"

"Changing driver's license and registration" we state. We are handed a batch of forms in a variety of color and texture and with several colors of highlighting on it for you to enjoy filling out. Some are cards, some are paper, some are one-sided, others are double-sided. Many have surprisingly similar information both presented and requested although in subtly different ways. I can not determine if this is a test to determine if I can answer similar questions the same way, or in fact some trickery to help befuddle the masses and make it more fun for the employees to watch the people attempt to fill them out. We fill out all of the license and registration information and are told that we need titles for the cars in order to register them. Since we don't have these, we decide that this will be another trip for another day and continue on for licenses.

After filling out all of the forms we step into line to have our existing documentation checked. The differences between this review of documents and a border crossing at "Checkpoint Charlie", are few: no guns thankfully, no one shouting: "papers, I must see your papers." There is an interesting point system having to do with passports, other licenses, primary and secondary documents. The people behind table A, flip through documents staring alternately between the documents and us, finally due to a preponderance of evidence (suffice to say we presented a bushel of paperwork) we exceed the criteria required to prove we are who we say. Having this documentation checked at one table isn't sufficient however, there is another table a scant six feet away at which the person at table A, must personally walk your documents over (presumable to prevent tampering during the long journey) to the person at table B, and they must be re-validated.

At this juncture we realize that we have accidentally left the checkbook at home and are cashless. This is bad for us as there is a sign written in bright green marker stating: "No Credit or Debit Cards, Cash or Check Only", interestingly there are indeed several of these, some of which also claim: "Please put your DL# and Ph# on your check", which is simply silly I think - I don't have a "DL#" until such time that you give me one now do I? This seems like an almost amazing transaction - and I will in fact participate in it a short time later as you will learn.

We leave the NJMVC, or DMV (whatever they are being called) and head for home. Fortunately for us it turns out that while there are a few of these places around, some more convenient for some than others this place is only a few miles away. So we go home, grab the checkbook and titles for the cars and head back.

We enter the door and are shuttled again to table A for validation of our "Papers". Table A gives us a clean slate, and moves us to table B. The new person at table B is puzzled that in fact the "Papers" seem to have the marks of a former occupant of her position. She inquires to this and the person from table A, fortunately, explains the checkbook scenario of 10 short minutes ago and we are allowed to pass to the next helpful person in the process.

We are now entering the photo taking stage of the adventure. The person behind the counter in line 5 (somehow lines have numbers whereas tables have letters) takes all of our information and reviews it a third time, not only to ensure that the first two have made their marks on our documents, but also to peruse the original papers (for what I have no idea but she does it). She clickity clacks on the keyboard and tells me to step back for my picture. I do so, noting that my shirt is a very similar blue to the background and I am likely to not have a torso. She fixes this problem by zooming in on my head. Giving me a DL-photo not remarkably different from a casaba melon. My wife gets her turn and has a photo more like one would expect, a bust shot, approximately 6-8 inches of shoulders and neck, and her face.

We pay our fee for our permit which permits us to walk to the other side of the office and stand in line for our test. We then proceed to get an eye test, what this test tells them about my ability to see road-hazards, cars, lights, people, dogs and wayward baby carriages I don't know. I pronounce a series of visible letter and am pronounced good-to-go. My wife actually had trouble with the eye test, but eventually passed and moved on.

After passing the ever difficult eye test we moved back to the permit location, only this time we were about to be officially licensed. We once again handed our paperwork back to the permit lady and she took the information, validated the information was correct, asked us if we were OK with our pictures (I decided even though I wasn't I would simply live with it), who really cares what they look like on a DL-photo anyway.

We now get to the fun part of taking numbers from someone, scribing them onto a piece of paper (in the form of a check) and handing them back to the person from whence they came. The young lady behind the counter handed us papers with our driver's license numbers on them, we then copied them onto our checks, as the sign said: "Please place DL# on your check", we then handed the check back to the lady behind the counter. I just couldn't shake the sense that this particular action was exceedingly odd. I couldn't tell if it was meant to be a reading test, to prove that I could read the numbers they had given me or what. This is very similar to Mr. Hayden's phrase about reading something somewhere: "I wrote it down, then I read it". I just kept thinking I've come with 6-points worth of identification (whatever it is that means exactly), and the item they want me to present to them is the number they are just gave me. Fortunately, except for now as I type this I mostly stopped thinking about it, mostly to save myself a headache.

Now we move on to the registration portion of the festivities. This is tedious but rather uneventful. The lady at line 3 I think it was takes several documents from us, plus some documents from her dear friend in line number 5, processes several more documents. Creates a few more, grabs some license plates, folds some of our documents , places them all in plastic bags, and once again asks for a check with the numbers that the lady from line 5 gave to me written on it somewhere.

We leave approximately one hour later, somehow unbloodied yet strangely changed for our encounter.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Home Audio

Well I finally installed home theater sound (Bose's Acoustimass 10) in the new house. In the old house I had my receiver plugged into my old speakers, some old Sony model that were pretty good. I had tried out a Bose VCS-10 center channel speaker but didn't really like the quality so I had returned it. Scott Hayden of Hayden's Harangues is very anti-Bose so I wasn't sure if I could risk his ire and purchase. I had been waffling on whether or not to hire someone to go fully built-in or try running some cabling myself, or try for wireless rear speakers, which are just starting to come around for installations under 100w/channel. I had been looking at, and their speakers looked cool, but I really wanted to hear something before purchasing. After thinking and searching and calling people for a while we decided to take a jaunt out to see/hear some stuff. We went to Circuit City, which is now another chain I will likely NOT go to much any longer, and spent about 30 minutes or so playing in their speaker room. They had a really cool digital system that lets you switch between various setups. The problem was that it took a few minutes to switch between setups so it was hard to get a full swap completed in a timely fashion to really compare speakers. I looked at some taller Sony speakers, as they were a bit cheaper and I thought I may be able to get away without a subwoofer, as I didn't have one before and it seemed fine to me. I was flipping between Sony and Polk and Infinity, avoiding the Bose due to bias from Hayden. I asked someone to find me a sales rep and they paged to no avail, so I went back to testing on my own. At one juncture I hit a setting that put the rear Bose speakers on and they sounded much better. I tried to flip between Infinity and Bose as I had then decided on smaller rather than larger. A few more minutes of playing around with the speakers and finally some young kid arrived and I explained to him what I wanted to test. He put on all of the Bose equipment and cranked the thing up to -15db. I walked over and lowered it as I wanted to hear fidelity now loudness. I tried to switch to the Infinity speakers and completed the setup and he once again cranked it up. I once again walked over and lowered it. I explained to him that I wanted to quickly flip back and forth as the machine was designed to do. I showed him that Setup A was close to what I wanted and I wanted Setup B and A to flip back and forth. He said: "I don't know how to do that." What he didn't say was: "All I know how to do is make it loud!". I decided I had had enough tomfoolery and walked out of the store. I was somewhat please with the sound of the Bose and since there was a factory outlet close to our new house we went there. I played with the Acoustimass 6, 10, and 15 for a little while, then summoned a sales rep. I explained my setup at home and he suggested the 10. The 15 supports 6.1 as does my receiver but I don't have anyplace for the center back, so I just skipped it. Much nicer service - no attempted upcharging for "MONSTER CABLES - OH YOU GOTTA HAVE MONSTER CABLES THEY ARE JUST THE GREATEST THING EVER, OHHH, OOOOOH" - sorry I slipped into my Sam Kinison voice for a minute there. No upcharging on service programs, just gave me the stuff I wanted, offered factory renewed instead of brand new and in less than 15 minutes in a very casual way I had what I wanted. Hooking them up was a little different than I had anticipated - receiver hooks to the Acoustimaass thing, then the speakers hook to that. Kind of interesting, but generates good sound quality and I can't go above -30db without being told to turn it down. I also managed to run the cables into the basement and back up the back so I can have it on whenever I want - no more dragging cables around like I had to do back in Pittsburgh.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The House

Well, we're finally in the new house more pictures - it has now been 5 weeks since we closed. The good news is that with all of the potentials for serious debacle we ended up with a fairly nice new house built by Centex Homes, in a decent neighborhood (Howell, NJ) and things are going ok. Thankfully Kara Homes let us out of our contract when they were unable to start work on our originally planned house. The timeline of the transactions went something like this: - September 17th - Give a downpayment to Kara Homes - About a week or so later - Give a much larger amount of money to Kara - About a month or so later - Give even more money to Kara - No activity through October, November or December on a house that was originally going to be delivered by the end of January December 21st - PANIC - begin looking for something as we are selling our home in Pittsburgh and it is set to close on January 14th. We called I called a number and there was no answer so I didn't leave a message. About 3 minutes later my phone rang and it was Sandy Lefkowitz from - he was standing in the delivery room waiting for his grandchildren (twins) to be born, and told me he would have someone call me right away. Within 2 hours Tom Burdett (not the comedian) called me back and I explained my desire to find a house as quickly as possible. He took down some of my requirements and began a search. He called me back and had found a house in Marlboro, NJ that looked to be ok. We packed up the family and on December 23rd drove from Pittsburgh to NJ to look at the house. Unfortunately it was not what we had hoped. The property was very tight and constricted, and the houses around it were on top of each other, so we headed back to Pittsburgh very unhappy. Tom had found another place for us to potentially purchase but we wereheading off to vacation to spend New Year's with Mickey in DisneyWorld (the plans had been made before we even knew we were moving). While we were in Disney Kara called and stated that they had received notice from thetownship that they could not continue building or start any new houses, ours being one of them, and they would be having a meeting to discuss all of the details with all of the homebuilders. In the meanwhile we were still in Florida and it was looking less likely that we would have a place to live come Jan 14. I decided to end vacation early and head up to New Jersey on Sunday Jan 2 to see the house. When I walked in the house looked pretty good and a took about 70 pictures and emailed them to my wife. I gave the builder some hand money and said we would buy it. Now we had to get our money back from Kara. All the while we had been speaking to Kara we had been cautious to not set a bad tone as they had essentially our life savings in their account. We called Kara and stated that we simply wanted our money back and would move on with our lives. After a few phones calls with a few different people and assurances from methat all I wanted was my money - no blood, no foul - I'd walk away with a handshake, a kiss on the cheek and that was it, they decided that it was fine and agreed to give me the money back. On Jan 13 the moving company came and packed up the house and drove away with all of our belongings. We closed on the house in Pittsburgh on Jan 14 and moved in to the Marriott Suites. A harrowing two weeks to be sure. While attempting to secure funding for this new purchase the appraisal forthe house came in below the asking price. Centex wanted to keep the price where it was and while I wasn't ecstatic at paying above appraised value, but I was stuck without a place to live. I made an offer that was above the appraisal, below the asking price and still left me money for a McDonald's happy meal at the end of the day. They accepted this offer and on Jan 23 I drove my older daughter's car to New Jersey. On Jan 27 my wife obtained a large cashier's check from the bank and headed to New Jersey with my younger daughter to live. On Jan 28 we closed on the new house in New Jersey and on Jan 29 the mover's brought all of our stuff to the new house. Whew - that felt like quite an event. Next: furnishing this thing