Thursday, November 09, 2006

Rutgers vs. Louisville

Well I haven't ever been much of a college football fan. However, since Kristie (my daughter) is now attending Rutgers, I decided to watch the game. Currently the score is 15-7 Cardinals with only a few minutes to go in the first quarter. Louisville does appear to be the better team. Rutgers special teams don't seem to be really on top of their game. The main reason I'm writing is that the game is on ESPN-HD. For the leading sports network in the nation this is terrible coverage. The announcers are OK, however the camera angles, zoom in, zoom out, over use of the skycam is very very irritating. In fact Louisville just faked a punt, and the cameras didn't even catch the action. HD provides WIDE-SCREEN visibility - use it - don't constantly zoom all the way into a full head shot. Let me see part of the field, let me watch the play develop. I haven't watched much football but I don't remember the Superbowl coverage last year being this bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who cares about HD? Rutgers won!!! RU Rah Rah!