Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hollywood Stupidity

So this evening we turned on ABC's 9/11 introspective. This rant isn't about what you'd think. In the first 10 minutes, I watched several people walking into and out of various aiports. They had playing in the background (ala Airplane) "The white zone is for the immediate loading and unloading of passengers, there is no parking in the white zone". I don't know what airport this was supposed to be as I wasn't paying strict attention to the screen, however those who know me know that I have done quite a lot of travel in the past 10 years, and I for one have never heard these words over a PA system at any airport through which I have transitted. Has anyone out there actually heard this announcement? I think it shows a lack of thinking, and a strong dose of "well everyone else has it in there it must be right" attitude.


Scott Hayden said...

Didn't watch this or any other "9/11, boo-hoo" crap that we were bombarded with for the last month. (see my 9/12 blog entry) Thank god, or someone, for shows like "Mind of Mencia" and the Colts/Giants game. (Mencia was thankfully on last night on Comedy Central when Bush decided to take over the ariwaves for his political posturing.)

Anyway, getting to your question, I thought that the "white zone" thing was just so that the movie "Airplane" could pull that gag with the car parked there so long. I have traveled a bit during my career and have never heard this kind of announcement at any airport.

Anonymous said...

You just haven't been to enough of those little tiny airports. You always get to go to the big cities. I seem to remember being sent to some real "big" towns where the airport was so small that those sort of announcments are made. While not being transmitted outside there is a similar announcement played at Dayton Internatioinal. I got to hear it over and over again while waiting to pick up a traveler this summer.