Sunday, January 22, 2006

Driving in New York

Image hosting by Photobucket Driving in New York is always an adventure. However, I've determined that I enjoy this challenge of the mind and reflexes. The primary goal is of course to prevent it from becoming a contact sport, while getting where you want to be. This is definitely not for the faint of heart. Driving on the side streets provides only one or two lanes, the avenues are wide providing 6 or 7 lanes depending on which one you choose. It is not uncommon to be driving down the center lane of one of the broad avenues and have the center two lanes suddenly become a construction zone. There are constantly people stepping between cars, delivery drivers stopping, starting, loading and unloading their wares. Taxi cabs are noted for being completely insane, but I have found that they behave like packs of roving dogs, and you must not show fear. If you do you will be inundated, you must simply push your way to where you want to go. Simply because you are in a traveling lane does not mean someone can't stop and call it a parking spot. All in all a good challenge and good workings for the mind. If you travel during non rush-hour times it is not insanely loaded with traffic, but even the slightest hiccup can cause insanity quickly. You must be constantly alert. Actually the city does provide a compelling reason for not using a cell phone without hands-free, looking away for a moment will cause you to miss the next obstacle.

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