Thursday, June 09, 2005

Which Star Wars Character Are You?

I am Emperor Palpatine. This really must be a truthful exam, the last time I took it and this time resulted in the same answer, and there are quite a few questions. Not sure of the mapping (i.e. how many characters can really be represented) but it appears as though it is possible to generate 1.5M end results (35**4). If I had the time (which I don't) I'd try to reverse engineer the questions by writing some html to submit the answers a bunch of times and see what comes back. In my youth I may have tried this. Shoot - I'm still a geek - I took a very quick glance at the code, it doesn't require reverse engineering - it is right up front for all to see, and it is even somewhat elegant. The only possible answers are:
  • Artoo
  • Chewie
  • Fett
  • Han
  • Jabba
  • Lando
  • Leia
  • Luke
  • Obiwan
  • Palpatine
  • Threepio
  • Vader
  • Yoda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damint I am Artoo, the chirpy robot.