Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper

Do we really need all of these flavors mixed together? Dr Pepper is already Black Cherry, so now they've added vanilla, more cherry and taken the sugar out. I think the flavoring of soda has gone completely around the bend. Well at least Coke came up with it and then Pepsi will have to copy. I am most definitely a Coke person. I did really like when Coke came out with Vanilla Coke, and I remember precisely where I was when I called them to ask them when Diet Vanilla Coke was hitting the shelves. I will admit however that Diet Vanilla Pepsi is better than Diet Vanilla Coke.


Anonymous said...

This is a trend that annoys me to no end! I bitched about it here, but it is something that seems to be getting more prevalent over time. My biggest worry is that Coke and Pepsi will demand an ever expanding amount of linear shelf space to display their latest flavor of the month, while smaller vendors will be forced out of the grocery store. It is hard enough to find my Dr. Browns Cel-Ray soda as it is.

Scott Hayden said...

What about "Put the lime in the Coke, you nut!"

I have to admit that this is a brilliant ad campaign.

I also have to admit that I love the Diet Cherry-Vanilla Dr. Pepper. I have some in my fridge right now.